NAME: Helen Thatcher
I am a warm & welcoming Vital Development Dance Facilitator who has been running successful groups and creating a vibrant dancing community in Sussex for over eight years. I am skilled in creating safe, inspiring spaces where participants feel they can release inhibitions and shine their light. My love is to encourage people to find increased self-confidence and passion for life by expressing their unique spontaneous movement.
In 2016 I launched Holding for Healing, a method that provides opportunities for clients to receive nourishing loving touch, in a non-sexual environment. Through using the exercises of touch from the Vital Development Method and an intuitive approach clients become more ”in touch” with their feelings and needs and learning to ask for the type of touch that allows them to receive the most nurturing benefits.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING AND HOW DID YOU GET STARTED?: I have always been searching for freedom and love. I now believe that when we are held, emotionally and physically, by someone who is completely present and attentive, this profound gift allows us to return home to our true nature self of love, peace, freedom and joy.
WHAT DO YOU PARTICULARLY LOVE ABOUT THE FORM OF YOGA THAT YOU TEACH AND HOW HAS YOUR DISCIPLINE BENEFITED YOU PERSONALLY?: My work with movement, focus on the mind/body relationship and the powerful effects of compassionate, nurturing physical touch has transformed my life as I now prioritise my authentic truth in all my interactions. I have gone from Good Girl to Wild Woman – and I love it!!!!
WHAT/WHO INSPIRES YOU?: I am actually a huge fan of Madonna, I grew up with her early music and I love the way she re-invents herself.
WHAT CAN SOMEONE EXPECT FROM YOUR CLASS AND WHAT MIGHT THEY TAKE AWAY WITH THEM ?: This gentle method can help you relax and appreciate yourself, re-define your relationship with your body and increase your levels of self-worth and self-love.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING WHEN YOU’RE NOT DOING? When I am not dancing or hugging I am investing time and energy in my friends, family and continued spiritual growth.
WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE INSPIRING QUOTE?: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
Join Helen at her Nurture Nest – Women’s Circle on thursdays from 8.15pm-9.45pm from 17th May – 21st June.
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