Our Values
Practice with devotion, share with love, live your dream.

To Host with Warmth
We wish for all of our students, clients and visitors to feel welcome and honoured at Unity. We offer a homely studio which provides a nurturing, sacred and positive environment, for group and individual work.
To Serve with Professionalism
We are proud of the high standard in our well-established professional trainings, classes and workshops. We welcome other tutors and practitioners who work with similar passion and commitment to their work.
To Work with Love
We deeply believe in the need for self developmental work and personal expression. We feel this work can thrive efficiently in a clear, loving and down to earth environment. We heartfully aim to work with fairness, respect and kindness to all.
To Improve with Enthusiasm
To maintain our inspiration and vibrancy, we are constantly working on exciting projects for the improvement and development of our premises, services and events. We gratefully welcome all constructive feedback and aim to deliver the very best standard possible.
To Unite with Affordability
We welcome a community of local and visiting people. We offer a fair price, with flexible payment plans available for those that require assistance.