
Our mission is to provide safe, inspirational activities and healing spaces for the whole community

SUMMER EASE logo and link to 30-day studio pass offerSummer 2024 timetable

Our summer timetable offers a wide variety of classes throughout the week, plus weekend workshops. Browse and book using the live timetable below. Or download our weekly schedule as a PDF.

Our single class price remains at £12, with bookings open to everyone. Savings can be made with studio memberships and class cards. For July and August 2024 we have a special offer on our 30-day studio pass, giving you unlimited Unity classes for 30 days from £40.

Studio members can book any Unity class places for free, subject to availability.

Don’t want to miss our class news? Why not sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

NB Classes marked ‘IN QUAKERS’ or ‘IN FRIENDS’ are being held in the lovely Friends Meeting House, next door to the Unity Centre on Friars Walk. Use the black door at the left of the building (not the main entrance).

Indoor classes are usually in the beautiful studio we call Sycamore. It’s large, airy, high-ceilinged and well ventilated, with underfloor heating and lovely, flexible lighting. Smaller and specialist classes are in the calm and serene Silver Birch.

Using our live timetable

This timetable shows classes over the next seven days. To see further ahead, click the calendar icon or the date next to it.

Can't see the day or class you're looking for? Use the calendar at the top of the timetable to select any date and you'll see the next seven days from then.

To find out more about Sevanti’s Open Floor conscious dance, please visit our Open Floor page.

NB Classes marked ‘In Quakers’ or ‘In Friends’ are being held in the lovely Friends Meeting House, next door to the Unity Centre on Friars Walk. Use the black door to the left of the building (not the main entrance). We’re doing this because we’re growing 😊 and we’re trialling this space to provide even more classes.

Download our weekly schedule

To see our weekly schedule at a glance, download our PDF timetable.

Class levels

Beginners B

Suitable for beginners. It may also be enjoyable for you if you’re more practiced.

Practiced P

These are for you if you’re confident in your practice. It’s worth checking the class description for details. Classes marked ‘Beg/Practiced’ or  B P will be suitable for a wide range of people.

Deep dive DD

These are for practiced students who want to dive more deeply and go further into their yoga. Check the class details to see what’s involved. Not suitable for beginners or someone exploring the early stages of their practice.

(A) means a class is particularly accessible.

Our studios

Our Centre classes are held in one of our two lovely and inspiring studios. Click either photo for details.

Studio 1 – The Sycamore Room

Studio 1 – The Sycamore Room

Studio 2 – The Silver Birch Room

Studio 2 – The Silver Birch Room