Today’s world is full of fear. Individually and collectively, we all sense it and it affects our ability to connect with ourselves and others.
Throw into the mix the huge shift in consciousness occurring across the planet and the solid floorboards of belief that once kept us stable begin to fall away.
So, during these changing and challenging times how do we keep our vibration high? How do we shine our light in the dark to focus our awareness on aligning with our true purpose? How does this show up for us practically as we go about our daily lives?
In my work as a Tantric Life Coach I often hear of people talking about feeling stuck or being unable to step towards change. We tend to fear change and during the current climate of global uncertainty we cling even harder to stability. But here’s the thing, when the ‘stable’ isn’t nourishing us, we need to shift that fear, move beyond the stable, so we can truly align with our heart and purpose.
When diagnosed with terminal cancer, I could have slipped into fear and overwhelm. Everything told me the outlook was bleak; statistics, prognosis and the faces of my friends. However, when I was my most vulnerable (as we all are at times of change) I realised I needed to be centred and present to what was going on in my body. I needed to create a healthy mind-platform from which to make empowered decisions from. Not decisions fed by fear.
Energetically, cancer has a HUGE fear-vibration resonating across societies consciousness. So I raised my vibration to be larger than cancer. It’s the ‘Big C’ – as if there’s nothing bigger – and I set out to raise my energy above the level of fear society was reflecting to me from the outside world.
It was at this point that I started a daily practice of raising my vibration. For my 7 months with cancer I was riding high on Lifeforce, manifesting what I needed into my world to keep myself healthy; singing, dancing, sexing, laughing, chanting, cacao – doing everything to keep my energy high and moving.
Cancer is an extreme example, but these techniques I teach are transferable skills to challenges in all areas of life. Most people I work with are just undecided on what direction to take in life and they want to step into their purpose and find the joy.

My best advice? Learn to dance past fear and waltz with joy. Connect with yourself. I mean it. Connect. Find out what creates that ‘buzz’ in your body and that very physical sensation of bliss will fuel your self-belief. Create a daily practice, make raising your vibration a habit, a joyful way of life. When you stop feeding fear and start nourishing joy, alignment to your bigger purpose becomes effortless. No resistance, just gliding with grace.
Jem Ayres and Wellbeing harpist Tracy Jane Sullivan will be offering another beautiful harp led ‘Raise Your Vibration’ workshop at Unity on 26th Jan ’18 from 6.45pm – 9.15pm.
For more info click here: